CSI:OPIOIDs Newsletter: Special Edition

Our research team continues its work to learn how best to prevent suicides of Veterans and non-Veterans with pain. People have asked how they can support the work. We answer that with the story of “Cy”, an amazing recruitment leader, in our latest newsletter from the CSI:OPIOIDs study team.

For people who are new to us, we interview people who have lost someone with pain to suicide after medication changes, to learn and then teach the lessons required to prevent the next tragedy. There is compensation for folks we interview. You may enter the eligibility survey here.

To do the work, we draw on the expertise of our university partners, through 2 contracts. Due to important recent events, both contracts are selected for termination.

There are ways to support the recruitment team, led by the amazing Cy. Donations received will not go to our VA team, just to Cy’s team at University of Alabama at Birmingham. Read about it here (and please share)

Please write to us at csiopioids@uabmc.edu with any questions or if you wish to be added to our Newsletter mailing list.