Anne Fuqua, BSN
Disability Health & Pain Advocate

Stefan Kertesz, MD, MSc
Birmingham, Alabama VA Health Care System & University of Alabama at Birmingham, Principal Investigator for CSI:OPIOIDs. Expertise: health care for vulnerable populations

Allyson Varley, PhD, MPH
Birmingham, Alabama VA Health Care System & University of Alabama at Birmingham, Heart Rhythm Clinical and Research Solutions. Expertise: implementation science, health behavior

April Hoge, MPH
Birmingham VA Health Care System, Health Science Specialist. Expertise: health care for vulnerable populations & research management

Kevin Riggs, MD, MPH
Birmingham, Alabama VA Health Care System & University of Alabama at Birmingham, Co- Investigator. Expertise: health services research

Aerin deRussy, MPH
Birmingham, Alabama VA Health Care System since 2012. Expertise: Health systems database analysis

Adam J. Gordon, MD, MPH
Salt Lake City VA Health Care System & University of Utah, Elbert F. and Marie Christensen Endowed Research Professor. Expertise: health services research, opioids, primary care

Joshua Richman, MD, PhD
Birmingham, Alabama VA Health Care System & University of Alabama at Birmingham. Biostatistician

Megan B. McCullough, PhD
Bedford, Massachusetts Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research, VA Bedford Healthcare System & University of Massachusetts Lowell, Co-Investigator. Expertise: Medical Anthropology